
A tree is a non-linear data structure that stores elements hierarchically. With the exception of the top element, each element in a tree has a parent element and zero or more children elements. We typically call the top element of the tree, “the root”. The root is drawn as the highest element, with the other elements being connected below (just the opposite of an actual tree).

The following is a simple tree that represents the family-tree of Homer Simpson from The Simpsons show :)

└─┬ Abraham
  ├── Herb
  └─┬ Homer
    ├── Bart
    ├── Lisa
    └── Maggie

In the previous tree, we can say the following:

  • “TheSimpsons” tree node has no parent.
  • “Abraham” is the only child of the “TheSimpsons”.
  • “Abraham” is the parent of both “Herb” and “Homer” which means that “Herb” and “Homer” are the two children of “Abraham”.
  • Same goes for “Bart”, “Lisa” and “Maggie” as they are the three children of “Homer”; and “Homer” is their parent.
  • “Bart”, “Lisa” and “Maggie” have no children.
  • As we can see, each entry in the tree can have zero, one, two, three or even more children for each parent.

Now, let’s try to use the previous tree to explain a few terms:

  • Tree Node: Each entry in the tree data structure is called a tree node. So, “TheSimpsons”, “Abraham”, “Herb”, … “Maggie” are all tree nodes. So,
    the number of nodes in the previous tree is 7.
  • Root: The root is the first tree node in the tree and it’s the only treenode that has no parent. So, “TheSimpsons” is the root of the previuos tree.
  • Leaf Node: The leaf node is a tree node that has no children. So, both “Bart”, “Lisa” and “Maggie” are leaf nodes. So, the number of leaf nodes in the previous tree is 3.
  • Height: The tree height is the number of edges between the root and the furthest leaf node. In this case, the tree height is 3.
  • Depth: The depth of a tree node is the number of edges between this tree node and the root. So, the depth of the tree’s root is always 0.

⏱ Time-Complexity

The following table sums up all the different public functionality in this class and also provides the worst-case time complexity along side with the optimal time complexity that I will try to reach in future releases Insha’Allah. Generally, we are going to use the following indicators in the table:

  • n is the number of nodes currently in the tree.
Method Description Worst-case Optimal
is_empty() Checks if the tree is empty. O(1) O(1)
__len__() Returns the number of nodes in the tree. O(n) O(1)
__repr__() Represents the tree as a string. O(n) O(n)
__iter__() Iterates over the tree. O(n) O(n)
__contains__() Checks the existence of the given item. O(n) O(n)
get_height() Gets the tree’s height. O(n) O(n)
get_depth() Gets the tree’s depth. O(1) O(1)
get_nodes_per_level() Returns a list of all nodes per level. O(n) O(n)
count_leaf_nodes() Counts all leaf nodes in the tree. O(n) O(n)
clear() Clears the whole tree instance. O(1) O(1)
to_list() Converts the tree instance to list. O(n) O(n)

☕️ API


Here are all of the public methods that can be used with TreeNode() objects:

class extra.trees.tree.TreeNode(value)

A tree node is the basic unit for building trees. A tree node must contain a value and this value can’t be None. Each tree node has zero or more child tree nodes. The node that has no children is called a leaf node.


Creates a TreeNode() object which is the basic unit for building Tree() objects!!


value (object) – The value to be saved within the TreeNode() instance

  • ValueError: – If the given item is None.
  • TypeError: – If the given item is an Extra() object.


>>> x = TreeNode(10)
>>> x
>>> type(x)
<class 'extra.trees.tree.TreeNode'>

You can’t initialize a TreeNode() using a None

>>> TreeNode(None)
ValueError: Can't use `None` as an element within `extra.TreeNode()`!!

Represents TreeNode() object as a string.

Returns:A string representing the TreeNode() instance.
Return type:str


>>> x = TreeNode(10)
>>> x

Returns a list of all the children of the TreeNode() instance.

Returns:A list of all the children of the TreeNode() instance.
Return type:list


>>> x = TreeNode(2021)
>>> y = TreeNode("hello")
>>> z = TreeNode("world")
>>> x.set_child(y)
>>> x.set_child(z)
>>> x.get_children()
[TreeNode(hello), TreeNode(world)]

Returns the data stored in the TreeNode() instance.

Returns:The object stored in the TreeNode().
Return type:object


>>> x = TreeNode(10)
>>> x.get_data()

Checks if the current TreeNode() instance is a leaf node. A leaf node is a tree node that has no children.

Returns:True if the current TreeNode() has no children and False otherwise.
Return type:bool


>>> x = TreeNode("hello")
>>> x.is_leaf()
>>> x.set_child(TreeNode("world"))
>>> x.is_leaf()

Sets the given TreeNode() as a child for the current TreeNode().

Parameters:child (TreeNode()) – The TreeNode() that will be a child for the current one.
Raises:TypeError: – If the given item is not an TreeNode() object.


>>> x = TreeNode("hello")
>>> x.set_child(TreeNode("world"))
>>> x.set_child(TreeNode(2021))

A child has to be a TreeNode() object:

>>> x.set_child(20)
TypeError: You can't set a child unless it's an `extra.TreeNode()`             object!!

Sets multiple TreeNode() instances as children for the current one.

Parameters:lst (iterable (list, tuple, ..)) – A list of the TreeNode() instances that will be set as children to the current TreeNode().
Raises:TypeError: – This can be raised in either of these two cases: 1. If the given object isn’t iterable. 2. If the given object has an element which isn’t a TreeNode() instance.


>>> x = TreeNode("hello")
>>> x.set_children([TreeNode("world"), TreeNode(2021)])

A child has to be a TreeNode() object:

>>> x.set_children([TreeNode("world"), 2021])
TypeError: You can't set a child unless it's an `extra.TreeNode()`             object!!


Here are all of the public methods that can be used with Tree() objects:

class extra.trees.tree.Tree

A tree is a non-linear data structure that can be defined recursively using a collection of TreeNode() instances, where each node has a list of references to the children TreeNode() instances.


Searches the Tree() for the given value and returns True if the value exists and False if not.

Parameters:value (object) – The value to be searched for in the Tree() instance.
Returns:Returns True if the value exists in the Tree() instance and False if not.
Return type:bool


>>> t = Tree()
>>> root = TreeNode(10)
>>> first_child = TreeNode(100)
>>> second_child = TreeNode(200)
>>> first_child.set_children([TreeNode(1), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(3)])
>>> second_child.set_children([TreeNode(4), TreeNode(5)])
>>> root.set_children([first_child, second_child])
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
├─┬ 100
│ ├── 1
│ ├── 2
│ └── 3
└─┬ 200
  ├── 4
  └── 5
>>> 100 in t
>>> 50 in t

Creates an empty Tree() object!!


>>> t = Tree()
>>> type(t)
<class 'extra.trees.tree.Tree'>

Iterates over the Tree() instance and returns a generator of the TreeNode() values in breadth-first manner.

Yields:object – The value stored at each node in the Tree() instance.


>>> t = Tree()
>>> root = TreeNode(10)
>>> first_child = TreeNode(100)
>>> second_child = TreeNode(200)
>>> first_child.set_children([TreeNode(1), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(3)])
>>> second_child.set_children([TreeNode(4), TreeNode(5)])
>>> root.set_children([first_child, second_child])
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
├─┬ 100
│ ├── 1
│ ├── 2
│ └── 3
└─┬ 200
  ├── 4
  └── 5
>>> for value in t:
...     print(value)

Gets the length of the Tree() instance. Length is the number of nodes in the instance.

Returns:The length of the Tree() instance. Length is the number of tree nodes in the instance.
Return type:int


>>> t = Tree()
>>> len(t)
>>> x = TreeNode(2021)
>>> y = TreeNode("hello")
>>> z = TreeNode("world")
>>> x.set_children([y, z])
>>> t._root = x
>>> t
├── hello
└── world
>>> len(t)

Represents the Tree() instance as a string.

Returns:The string-representation of the Tree() instance.
Return type:str


>>> t = Tree()
>>> t
>>> # the following is "The Simpsons" family tree :)
>>> abraham = TreeNode('Abraham')
>>> herb = TreeNode('Herb')
>>> homer = TreeNode('Homer')
>>> abraham.set_children([herb, homer])
>>> # homer-marge children
>>> bart = TreeNode('Bart')
>>> lisa = TreeNode('Lisa')
>>> maggie = TreeNode('Maggie')
>>> homer.set_children([bart, lisa, maggie])
>>> root = TreeNode('TheSimpsons')
>>> root.set_child(abraham)
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
└─┬ Abraham
  ├── Herb
  └─┬ Homer
    ├── Bart
    ├── Lisa
    └── Maggie

Removes all nodes within the Tree() instance in constant time.


>>> t = Tree()
>>> root = TreeNode(10)
>>> first_child = TreeNode(100)
>>> second_child = TreeNode(200)
>>> first_child.set_children([TreeNode(1), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(3)])
>>> second_child.set_children([TreeNode(4), TreeNode(5)])
>>> root.set_children([first_child, second_child])
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
├─┬ 100
│ ├── 1
│ ├── 2
│ └── 3
└─┬ 200
  ├── 4
  └── 5
>>> t.clear()
>>> t
>>> t.is_empty()

Counts the number of leaf nodes in the Tree() instance. Leaf nodes are the tree nodes that have no children.

Returns:A positive integer representing the number of leaf nodes in the Tree().
Return type:int


>>> t = Tree()
>>> root = TreeNode(10)
>>> first_child = TreeNode(100)
>>> second_child = TreeNode(200)
>>> first_child.set_children([TreeNode(1), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(3)])
>>> second_child.set_children([TreeNode(4), TreeNode(5)])
>>> root.set_children([first_child, second_child])
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
├─┬ 100
│ ├── 1
│ ├── 2
│ └── 3
└─┬ 200
  ├── 4
  └── 5
>>> t.count_leaf_nodes()
static from_path(path)

Creates a Tree() instance of the hierarchy of a given directory/path. Each file in each sub-directory will be represented as a TreeNode() instance.


path (str) – The path which will be the root of the returned Tree() object.


The Tree() object representing the hierarchy of the given path.

Return type:


  • TypeError: – If the given path’s type wasn’t a string.
  • ValueError: – If the given path doesn’t exist.


>>> # this can't be reproduced and it's for the sake of explanation.
>>> Tree.from_path("example")
├─┬ folder
│ ├── file.txt
│ ├── file2.txt
│ └── file3.txt

Gets the depth of the Tree() instance.

Returns:A positive integer representing the depth of the given Tree().
Return type:int


>>> t = Tree()
>>> root = TreeNode(10)
>>> first_child = TreeNode(100)
>>> second_child = TreeNode(200)
>>> first_child.set_children([TreeNode(1), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(3)])
>>> second_child.set_children([TreeNode(4), TreeNode(5)])
>>> root.set_children([first_child, second_child])
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
├─┬ 100
│ ├── 1
│ ├── 2
│ └── 3
└─┬ 200
  ├── 4
  └── 5
>>> t.get_depth()

Gets the height of the Tree() instance. The tree’s height is the number of edges between the root and the furthest leaf node.

Returns:A positive integer representing the height of the instance.
Return type:int


>>> t = Tree()
>>> root = TreeNode(10)
>>> first_child = TreeNode(100)
>>> second_child = TreeNode(200)
>>> first_child.set_children([TreeNode(1), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(3)])
>>> second_child.set_children([TreeNode(4), TreeNode(5)])
>>> root.set_children([first_child, second_child])
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
├─┬ 100
│ ├── 1
│ ├── 2
│ └── 3
└─┬ 200
  ├── 4
  └── 5
>>> t.get_height()

Retreeves all treenodes within the Tree() instance so that all treenodes in a certain level will be concatenated into a separate list.

Returns:A nested list where the first inner-list has all the tree nodes in the first level, the second inner-list has all the tree nodes in the second level, … so on.
Return type:list


>>> t = Tree()
>>> root = TreeNode(10)
>>> first_child = TreeNode(100)
>>> second_child = TreeNode(200)
>>> first_child.set_children([TreeNode(1), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(3)])
>>> second_child.set_children([TreeNode(4), TreeNode(5)])
>>> root.set_children([first_child, second_child])
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
├─┬ 100
│ ├── 1
│ ├── 2
│ └── 3
└─┬ 200
  ├── 4
  └── 5
>>> t.get_nodes_per_level()
[[10], [100, 200], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]

Checks if the Tree() instance is empty or not in constant time.

Returns:A boolean flag showing if the Tree() instance is empty or not. True shows that this instance is empty and False shows it’s not empty.
Return type:bool


>>> t = Tree()
>>> t.is_empty()
>>> t._root = TreeNode(1)
>>> t.is_empty()

Converts the Tree() instance to a list where values will be inserted in breadth-first manner.

Returns:A list object containing the same elements as the Tree() instance.
Return type:list


>>> t = Tree()
>>> root = TreeNode(10)
>>> first_child = TreeNode(100)
>>> second_child = TreeNode(200)
>>> first_child.set_children([TreeNode(1), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(3)])
>>> second_child.set_children([TreeNode(4), TreeNode(5)])
>>> root.set_children([first_child, second_child])
>>> t._root = root
>>> t
├─┬ 100
│ ├── 1
│ ├── 2
│ └── 3
└─┬ 200
  ├── 4
  └── 5
>>> t.to_list()
[10, 100, 200, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]